How to Add Elevenlabs Voices to Versabot Bots (and include your own voice!)

Adding Elevenlabs Voices gives a number of benefits. One is that Versabot actually responds faster with it. Another is that you can customize the actual voice, enabling a tone that better resonates with your audience. Lastly, if you use your own voice (or the voice of someone you know who gave you permission), you can add a more personal touch to your bot.

To start, you should have already completed our first tutorial on how to create voice assistants. If you have not done that, please read that article and set everything up before proceeding. Next, sign up for Elevenlabs if you have not done so already. From there, click your name on the bottom left-hand corner. You should see a small popup like this:

Select “Profile+API key”. Then press the eyeball icon to reveal your API key.

Now, copy your API key and paste it into the Elevenlabs API Key field on the Assistants Configuration page after having selected your assistant from the Select Assistant dropdown. Press “Set API Key” to continue.

Now, refresh the page, select your assistant again, and toggle the “Use Elevenlabs” switch to green.

You have now added elevenlabs. To choose a voice, press the “Choose New Voice” button to see a list of available voices. If you make a custom voice (including your own), you will see it here. If you’d like, you can clone your voice easily using the instructions here

Press the “Set Voice” button beneath the voice you want to set the voice to the voice of your choice.
If you’ve got this far, congrats! You now know how to set up Elevenlabs with Versabot and add a custom voice.

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