Custom/Uncensored Bots

Versabot just added custom and uncensored bots. Now, you can add custom models by selecting “custom” from the dropdown and typing in the name, and add a bot from a provider other than OpenAI (as long as its api format is in the same format as OpenAI) by adding the api url as the “Base Url” (see below for example). Use the api key you have for the provider in the “OpenAI Key” field. Use your actual OpenAI key in the “Embedding Key” field (this is currently mandatory in order for uncensored bots to work). Right now, some LLM apis do not currently support function calling like OpenAI’s does, so be aware of that issue – if your bot doesn’t work after adding plugins or search, that could be the reason why. We will announce when we have a workaround.

The configuration below enables you to create an uncensored bot using NovitaAI. To do this, simply go to the dashboard, press the “Create A New Assistant” button, and enter in “” for the Base URL, and “sao10k/l3-70b-euryale-v2.1” for the model. Ensure you’ve put in your novita key and your openai embedding key as mentioned earlier. Then press the green “Create Assistant” button and you should be all good to go.

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