How to Add Multiple Emails to Versabot Bots

You can add emails to Versabot Bots by following a few instructions. Before you get started, we recommend that you set up a dedicated gmail or Google Workspace account. This is because the bot will be responding to *all*, and we really do mean *all* emails that are not sent with html or end up in spam. If you don’t want that happening, it would be very useful to set up a dedicated email address.

First, create your bot, and go to Assistant settings. Scroll down, and you should see something like the below:

From here, create an app password for your dedicated email account. Set the email (whether it’s primary or a secondary one) and the app password. If it’s a primary email, press the connect Gmail button. If it’s a secondary email, press the Add Secondary email button.
To disconnect an account, in the case of the primary email, press the Disconnect Gmail button. In the case of a secondary email, press the Remove button next to your account

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