How to Create/Edit Followup Campaigns

Versabot has automated followup campaigns. These take the contact information given in the initial lead generation form and can use it to send phone calls, texts, emails, and more to potential customers, driving conversions.
To edit/create camapaigns, start by finding your bot on the dashboard and clicking on “Settings”.

From here, go to “Followup Sequence”

From there, if you are creating a campaign from scratch, click “Add Step” to create the first step (otherwise, select the step you want to edit).

Each step has a channel, a mode, either message or subject/body (for email) and a delay. Channels are the way the communication is done (currently email, phone call, sms, and WhatsApp). Mode allows you to prescript the message through “Message”, or to have AI continue the conversation to organically weave in the message that you set (or something close enough to it) using the information from earlier in the conversation. The message is either the direct message, or the kind of message the AI should send if in “Continue the Conversation with AI” mode. The delay controls how long after the initial interaction the message should be sent.

When you’re done, press “Save Follow-Up Sequence” to save the sequence

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